Food and Nutrition

Food and nutrition play a key role in a student’s overall health and well-being. Check out the resources below to help you develop a Food and Nutrition Plan for your school using the Comprehensive School Health Planning Approach.

In your Food and Nutrition Plan, try to include actions that influence all four inter-related healthy school areas. You’ll find some examples below:

  1. Teaching and Learning:
  2. Social and Physical Environment:
  3. Policies:
  4. Partnerships and Services:
    • Collaborate with experts from different community agencies. This will make your team stronger and better supported. The EOHU is available to offer support to your school team, but don’t forget to involve other community partners and your whole school community, which includes parents/guardians.
    • Promote resources for parents/guardians:

Want to address your students’ mental health in your Food and Nutrition Plan?

Weight-based bullying from friends, family, or other adults can negatively affect a child’s confidence and mental well-being. It can impact their body image and self-esteem, and lead to increased stress, anxiety, depression, disordered eating habits, and even eating disorders.

Here are resources that can help your school promote student mental health and well-being, and help prevent disordered eating and eating disorders: