UPDATE for Individuals Who Received Their 1st Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Between February 27th and March 21st and Don’t Have an Appointment for Their 2nd Dose
Due to challenges with the provincial booking system this week, we are making the necessary arrangements to ensure that clients who are due for their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in June receive it within the 16-week interval. For clients who were vaccinated by the EOHU prior to the provincial booking system (February 27th – March 21st), the EOHU will call you to schedule your appointment in the coming weeks. To keep our phone lines open, we ask that you DO NOT call our office for this matter, so we can ensure that everyone who needs to be called is contacted as soon as possible.
For those who received their first dose after March 22nd, but do not have an appointment for their second dose, more information will be shared shortly.