Physical Activity
Physical activity plays a key role in a student’s overall health and well-being. Check out the resources below to help you develop a Physical Activity Plan for your school using the Comprehensive School Health Planning Approach.
In your Physical Activity Plan, try to include actions that influence all four inter-related healthy school areas. You’ll find some examples below:
- Teaching and Learning:
- Use credible physical activity information and resources to teach the curriculum, such as:
- Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Children and Youth (5 to 17 years)
- Ophea: Grade-specific curriculum support for educators to help teach the Health and Physical Education curriculum in a positive way (elementary, intermediate, and secondary)
- To access resources, log in or create an Ophea.net account. Visit the FAQ page for details.
- ACTIVE FOR LIFE: Ready-made teaching units for educators who want to deliver a logical series of physical literacy lessons (elementary and intermediate).
- Use credible physical activity information and resources to teach the curriculum, such as:
- Social and Physical Environment:
- Promote additional ways to keep youth active (such as active celebrations, rewards, and fundraising):
- Active school fundraisers, such as walk-a-thons or Jump Rope for Heart
- Active field trip options
- Active classroom rewards such as extra outdoor time, an active game, or a walk
- Provide every student with an opportunity to be physically active:
- Plan and run quality, inclusive, and sustainable intramurals programs in your school with the Raise the Bar Intramural Program.
- Promote Active School Travel:
- Review the resources from Ontario Active School Travel and School Travel to support your school in creating positive social and physical environments.
- Promote additional ways to keep youth active (such as active celebrations, rewards, and fundraising):
- Policies:
- Daily physical activity (Policy/Program Memorandum 138)
- Ensure that all elementary students have a minimum of 20 minutes of physical activity each school day during instructional time.
- Complete the professional learning workshop Thinking Outside the Gym
- Daily physical activity (Policy/Program Memorandum 138)
- Partnerships and Services:
- Collaborate with experts from different community agencies. This will make your team stronger and better supported. The EOHU is available to offer support to your school team, but don’t forget to involve other community partners and your whole school community, which includes parents/guardians.
- Promote resources for parents/guardians, including the following:
Want to address your students’ mental health in your Physical Activity Plan?
Did you know that physical activity not only benefits students’ physical health, but their brain function, emotional wellbeing, and mental health as well? For more information, check out this resource from AboutKidsHealth on the benefits of exercise for health and wellbeing.