Information on the website of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is for general information purposes only. The EOHU website provides general information by qualified individuals on health topics, but this information does not constitute medical advice. The information contained on our website is not meant to replace or substitute the advice of a health professional. For your personal health care needs, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.
The EOHU does not endorse any organization, product or therapy that gives health information, unless specifically indicated. The EOHU will not assume any responsibility for any errors or omissions in the articles and will not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss arising by or in connection with, use or reliance on, any information contained in the said articles.
Links to other Internet addresses may be accessed from this website. These external Internet addresses contain information from institutions independent of the EOHU. Even though we make every effort to ensure the reliability of these sites, we cannot guarantee their accuracy or availability and in no way assume responsibility for any of these sites.
All materials contained on the EOHU website are copyrighted and cannot be modified without express written consent of the EOHU. The material can be downloaded and printed solely for educational, personal and non-profit use.