Special Events Information for Temporary Personal Service Settings
Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) Ontario regulation 136/18 Personal Service Settings, special event organizers and the personal service operator must notify the health unit of their plans to offer personal services to the public. They must submit a completed notification form to the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) at least 30 days prior to the event. Only personal service operators that have been approved by the EOHU can attend the event.
When personal services are offered to the public, they must comply with the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario regulation 136/18 Personal Service Settings.
For more information, please call the EOHU at 1-800-267-7120.
Personal Service Operator’s Responsibilities:
Complete and submit the Temporary Personal Service Setting Notification Form to the EOHU at least 30 days prior to your event. We cannot guarantee that notifications received less than 30 days before the event are processed.
In addition to submitting the Temporary Personal Service Setting Notification Form, vendors must ensure that the following requirements are met:
Working Environment
Enclosed mobile units must be in compliance with the Personal Service Settings Regulation O Reg 136/18, including:
- sufficient lighting
- solid walls and hard flooring that is smooth, non-absorbent, and easily cleanable
- screened windows and doors
- handwash basin equipped with potable hot and cold running water under pressure with soap and paper towel
- wastewater collection within the unit and disposed of in a sanitary manner
The event vendor is responsible to ensure their booth is always maintained in a sanitary manner during the event.
Each booth area must be well lit to facilitate cleaning and prevent injuries.
The booths shall be sectioned off to ensure limited public access where services are being provided. This is to ensure infection prevention and control (IPAC) standards can be maintained.
Hand Hygiene
Vendor booths must also have the following to ensure proper hand hygiene:
- A structured hand wash station available in a convenient location and accessible during service
- A structured hand wash station equipped with potable water, soap and paper
Adapted with permission from Ottawa Public Health.