Opening a Food Premises

In accordance with the Ontario Regulation 493/17 Food Premises – Section 5, all food premises are required to notify the Medical Officer of Health at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) of their operation.

If you are thinking of opening a food premises, please click here to see the Food Premises Opening Inspection Checklist.

Any person who wishes to open a food premises operation is required to complete and submit a Notice of Intent to Operate a Food Premises form. If you are unable to complete this form online, please email to receive an alternate format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Under the Ontario Regulation 493/17 Food Premises:

  • Food premises are subject to inspections, which are made available to the public and which must be posted on the food premises site in accordance with the inspector’s request.
  • Food premises are also required to have a trained food handler on site at all times. For information on training, see the EOHU’s Food Handler Certification Program.

For more information:

Ontario Regulation 493/17 Food Premises
Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7 – Subsection 16(2) Food Premise
Guide to Starting a Home-based Food Business