Which Exercise Program is Best for You?
I Have a High Activity Level
I Have a Medium Activity Level
I Have a Low Activity Level
I have a HIGH activity level if I answer YES to:
- I have few worries about my balance
- I am able to exercise at least twice a week which includes:
- Getting stronger
- Improving my balance and flexibility
- Increasing my endurance activities that increase my heart rate (such as a brisk walk)
Goal: To maintain or improve fitness level
Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
- United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), United Counties of Prescott-Russell (P-R)
- Bourget, Crysler, Alexandria, Embrun, Cornwall, Limoges
- French and/or English programs
- In person or virtual programs
- info@cscestrie.on.ca
- www.cscestrie.on.ca/
- Hawkesbury, Robert Hartley Arena
- 613-632-0418
- infoeasterncounties@carefor.ca
Municipal and City Programs and Older Adults Community Centres
- Contact your municipality for details
- www.champlainhealthline.ca
- www.211ontario.ca or dial 2-1-1
I have a MEDIUM activity level if I answer YES to:
- I am worried about my balance
- I can do all of the following:
- Stand on one leg for 2 seconds
- Climb 10 stairs
- Stand for 20 minutes
- Walk 1 block without losing my breath or sitting down
Goal: To improve strength and balance, so I can move around more easily
Seaway Valley Community Health Centre
- United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), City of Cornwall
- English programs
- 1-888-936-0306 extension 229
- www.seawayvalleychc.ca
Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
- United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), United Counties of Prescott-Russell (P-R)
- Bourget, Crysler, Alexandria, Embrun, Cornwall, Limoges
- French and/or English programs
- In person or virtual programs
- info@cscestrie.on.ca
- www.cscestrie.on.ca/
- Hawkesbury, Robert Hartley Arena
- 613-632-0418
- infoeasterncounties@carefor.ca
I have a LOW activity level if I answer YES to:
- I am afraid of falling
- I have difficulty with:
- My balance
- Getting out of a chair
- Walking (I may need a walking aid like a cane or a walker)
Goal: To be more mobile, steady and able to be more independent
Talk to your healthcare provider (e.g. your family physician) and complete the Staying Independent Checklist.
Seaway Valley Community Health Centre
- United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), City of Cornwall
- English programs
- 1-888-936-0306 extension 229
- www.seawayvalleychc.ca
Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
- United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), United Counties of Prescott-Russell (P-R)
- Bourget, Crysler, Alexandria, Embrun, Cornwall, Limoges
- French and/or English programs
- In person or virtual programs
- info@cscestrie.on.ca
- www.cscestrie.on.ca/
- In-home exercise program
- 613-932-3451 or 1-800-267-1741
- infoeasterncounties@carefor.ca
Champlain Home and Community Care
- 310-2222 or 1-800-538-0520