Local Website Promoting COVID-19 Misinformation Not Related to or Endorsed by EOHU
IMPORTANT: It has come to our attention that an individual or group of individuals has created a website with a name very similar to the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s name, and has taken out at least one ad in local media outlets. The website and ads are promoting misinformation about COVID-19, including inaccurate claims about local case statistics.
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is not associated with this website or this individual. We do not authorize or endorse the content of their website or ads.
The EOHU continues to support the government mandates and encourages our community members to follow public health measures, including getting vaccinated, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. For credible information about COVID-19 from public health experts, epidemiologists, and infectious disease experts, please visit any of the following websites: