EOHU Urging All Eligible Individuals to Receive COVID-19 Booster Dose
The Eastern Ontario Heath Unit (EOHU) is urging all eligible individuals to receive their booster dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they’re eligible. The booster dose will provide them with an improved immune response and help prevent severe outcomes from COVID-19 variants like Omicron, which has proven that protection from the two initial vaccines decreases with time. Individuals can receive their third dose 84 days after they received their second dose.
Booster Dose Still Recommended Following COVID-19 Infection
While the first two vaccines will reduce the odds of severe outcomes like hospitalization and death, they are not preventing infection from the Omicron variant. This has led to breakthrough infections amongst people who are fully vaccinated.
Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health at the EOHU, recommends individuals get their COVID-19 booster dose following infection with COVID-19. “If it has been at least 84 days since your second dose, I recommend you book an appointment for your booster dose as soon as you have finished your isolation period and no longer have any symptoms following infection,” he says. “While an Omicron infection will provide you with a certain level of immunity, we don’t know how long that protection lasts.”
Accessing a Third Dose
If it has been 84 days since your second dose and you meet the criteria for a third dose, we encourage you to seek vaccination at one of the EOHU’s community-based clinics. Appointments are available at www.Ontario.ca/bookvaccine for individuals 18 years of age and older who are eligible for a third dose. Individuals who require assistance with booking can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1 833 943-3900. If you need assistance or special accommodations, you may also call the EOHU at 1 800 267-7120.
Walk-in clients eligible for a third dose are accepted at community-based clinics; however, clients are encouraged to book an appointment. We continue to welcome individuals needing a first or second dose with or without an appointment as well.
You can also receive your third booster dose through a partnering pharmacy or your health care provider.
If you don’t know if it has been 84 days since your second dose, please use the EOHU’s COVID-19 Third Dose Date Calculator.
If you do not fall within one of the eligible groups for a third dose, or you have not reached the minimum interval of 84 days since your second dose, please do NOT try to schedule an appointment or walk-in. Clients seeking a third dose will be asked to provide proof of eligibility before receiving their vaccine. We are requesting everyone’s collaboration and patience as we continue this enormous vaccination effort. For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine and how to access it, please visit www.EOHU.ca/vaccines.