
EOHU Reminds Residents to Take Precautions as Rabies Found in Two Local Bats


The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is reporting that two bats in the EOHU region have tested positive for rabies. While no human cases have been reported in the EOHU region, the positive result in the bats implies that rabies is present in our area. The health unit is reminding residents of the dangers of rabies and to take precautions to avoid potential exposure.

Rabies is a deadly neurological disease in mammals, often found in bats, raccoons, skunks and foxes, but can be passed to humans and pets as well. It is most often spread through bites but can also be passed through the saliva of an infected animal getting in your eyes, mouth, or open wounds. Rabies is almost always fatal if treatment isn’t given before symptoms start.

Staying Safe

While rabies is dangerous, there are steps you can take to limit your exposure to and contact with animals who may carry rabies. The EOHU recommends that you:

  • Keep your pets’ and livestock’s rabies vaccinations up to date.
  • Don’t let your pets wander unsupervised.
  • Have your pets spayed or neutered.
  • Teach children not to touch or approach wild animals or pets they don’t know.
  • Call Animal Control to remove any stray animals from your neighbourhood.
  • Avoid contact with wild animals – especially if they look sick or are behaving strangely.
  • Bat-proof your home.
  • Don’t try to rescue sick or injured wild animals – contact Animal Control or a wildlife rehabilitator.
  • Report all animal bites to the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120.

Finding Bats in Your Home

If you find a live bat in your home, trap it in a room with the lights off and a window open, so it can escape. Do not try to catch and release the bat yourself, as this may result in a bite. If the bat will not leave on its own, contact a pest management company for assistance.

If a bat is found in a bedroom (alive or dead), please visit your local emergency room immediately to discuss next steps, especially if the bat is found in a child’s room. Bites from bats are particularly dangerous, as they have needle-sharp teeth which may not leave a mark after biting, and you may not know you’ve been bitten.

If you think you or your family have been bitten by a bat or other animal, contact your doctor, healthcare provider or local emergency room immediately. Report the bite to the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120. The EOHU will investigate and determine if you may require post-exposure treatment.

More information on bats, rabies and prevention tips can be found at