COVID-19 Teaching Tools for Educators
The following is a list of videos, posters and website educators can use to teach and reinforce public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If educators have questions, they can reach us by e-mailing schoolinfoecole@eohu.ca, or by calling us at 1-800-267-7120.
- COVID-19: Kids, here’s what you need to know (video- Government of Canada)
Physical Distancing
- Physical Distancing for Kids (video- About Kid’s Health (Sick Kids Hospital))
- What is Physical Distancing (video- CBC Kids News)
- How to Social Distance with Mr. Orlando (video- CBC Kids)
- Physical distancing: Keep 2 metres apart (video- Government of Canada)
Hand Hygiene
- Handwashing for young children (includes respiratory etiquette) (video- EOHU)
- Germy the Germ Gets Washed Away! (video - EOHU)
- Hand Hygiene: The Dirt on Germs (video for elementary students- EOHU)
- Hand Hygiene: Duck and Cover Your Cough! (video for high school students- EOHU)
- Handwashing and Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers: Step-by-step (video - EOHU)
- Hand-washing heroes (video- Government of Canada)
- Reduce the spread of COVID-19: Hygiene for kids (Government of Canada)
- Handwashing song (video- Kinder-Uke)
Wearing a mask
- Dr. Cheddar Talks: Wearing a mask (video- TVO Kids)
- How to Safely Use Reusable Cloth Masks and Face Coverings (video-EOHU)
- COVID-19: How to wear a non-medical mask or face covering properly (video- Government of Canada)
Respiratory etiquette
- Cough and Sneeze Into Your Shoulder (video-EOHU)
- Studio K from Home: Vampire sneezes (video- CBC Kids)
Mental Health
- Back-to-School Mental Health Kit (Children’s Mental Health Ontario)
- 7 Tips for Educators Returning to School During COVID-19 (Anxiety Canada)
- School Mental Health Ontario
Curriculum Support
- Return to School (Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada))