Conditional Pass

Facility Information

Site Address
13480 County Road 2
Morrisburg, Ontario, K0C 1X0
Morrisburg Village
Facility Type

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
Facility completes and records daily tests at least 30 minutes prior to opening and as required.
  • Determine and record free available chlorine and total chlorine or bromine residual.
  • Determine and record pH value.
  • Determine and record total alkalinity.
  • Determine and record water clarity.
  • Make records of tests conducted.
Not In Compliance
Facility operational requirements met.
  • Every owner and every operator must ensure that the pool or spa water is maintained free from visible matter that may be hazardous to the health or safety of the bathers.
Not In Compliance
Required signage posted.
  • Post, at the entrance to each shower area and at every entrance to the deck used by bathers, notices that set out that each bather shall take a shower using warm water and soap and thoroughly rinse off all soap before entering or re-entering the deck.
Not In Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
  • Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
Not In Compliance
Facility meets water clarity, visibility, and illumination standards.
  • Ensure public pool water clear enough to permit black disc at deepest point to be clearly visible from point on deck nine meters away.
Not In Compliance
Safety equipment required for operation as a public pool provided.
  • Provide a spine board or device designed for lifting from the pool or spa a person who may have incurred a spinal injury.
  • Provide an electrically insulated or non-conducting reaching pole at least 3.65 metres long.
  • Provide two buoyant throwing aids, each of which has securely attached to it a six millimetre diameter rope of a length not less than one-half the width of the pool plus three metres.
Not In Compliance
Written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available.
  • Ensure that written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available at the pool to be implemented in the event of an emergency, accident or injury in the pool.
Not In Compliance

Actions Taken

  • Unsatisfactory - Re-inspection required
  • Verbal Consultation
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