Conditional Pass

Facility Information

Site Address
2694 Brookdale Avenue
Cornwall, Ontario, K6J 5Y2
Facility Type

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
Food contact surfaces washed/rinsed/sanitized after each use
  • Approved sanitizing agent is used to sanitize food contact surfaces
  • Ensure appropriate concentration of sanitizing agent is used to sanitize food contact surfaces
  • Wash, rinse, sanitize equipment/utensils after each use or as often as necessary
Not In Compliance
Every operator of a food service premise ensures that there is at least one food handler or supervisor on the premise who has completed food handler training during every hour in which the premise is operating
  • Ensure there is at least one certified food handler on site during every hour in which the premise is operating
Not In Compliance
Food is held at 4°C (40°F) or less or 60°C (140°F) or higher
  • Keep potentially hazardous foods at an internal food temperature of 60°C (140°F) or higher
  • Provide hot-holding unit that is sufficiently size to maintain hazardous food at 60°C (140°F) or higher
Not In Compliance
Manual dishwashing: Wash, rinse, sanitize technique
  • Sanitize utensils in a clean chlorine solution of not less than 100 parts per million not lower than 24°C (76°F) for at least 45 seconds
Not In Compliance
Thermometers used to verify food preparation and storage temperatures
  • Provide hot-holding units with accurate indicating thermometers that may be easily read
  • Provide probe thermometer to measure internal temperature of potentially hazardous foods
Not In Compliance
Handwashing stations are provided, adequately supplied and used only for the handwashing of employees
  • Provide an adequate number of handwashing stations conveniently accessible to food handlers in food preparation area
  • Provide paper towels in a dispenser at hand washing station in food preparation area
Not In Compliance
Food processed in a safe manner
  • Ensure food is heated to original cooking temperature for 15 seconds
  • Process food in a manner that makes food safe to eat
Not Observed
Non-food contact surfaces, shelves, furniture, equipment and appliances maintained in sanitary condition
  • Ensure all surfaces are readily cleanable and non-absorbent
Not In Compliance

Actions Taken

  • Discussion with PM
  • Educational Signage
  • EOHU Resources
  • Inspection Report Provided
  • Photos Taken for File
  • Product Seized & Destroyed
  • Product Seized & Held
  • Stickers Provided (tanning/hand washing/no smoking)
  • Unsatisfactory - Re-inspection required
  • Verbal Consultation
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