CREG QUAY MARINA - 2024-07-17


Facility Information

Site Address
21240 80th Avenue
Bainsville, Ontario, K0C 1E0
Facility Type

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
Facility maintains disinfectant level as required.
  • Maintain chlorine, chlorine compound, or bromine feed through chemical feeder at all times.
Not In Compliance
Facility operational requirements met.
  • Every owner and every operator must ensure that, except during the daily use period, the pool or spa is rendered inaccessible to persons who are not involved with its operation, inspection or maintenance.
Not In Compliance
Required signage for operation as a public pool provided
  • Provide markings in figures not less than 100 millimetres high that set out the water depths indicating the deep points where the water exceeds 2,500 mm, the breaks between gentle and steep bottom slopes and the shallow points, and the words DEEP AREA and SHALLOW AREA displayed at the appropriate locations on the deck.
Not In Compliance
Facility maintains total alkalinity level as required.
  • Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 80 ppm to 120 ppm.
Not In Compliance
Pool basin meets requirements of regulation.
  • Provide a black disc 150 millimetres in diameter on a white background is affixed to the bottom of the pool at its deepest point.
Not In Compliance

Actions Taken

  • Inspection Report Provided
  • Unsatisfactory - Closure
  • Verbal Consultation
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