C & C PIZZA FACTORY - 2024-02-08


Facility Information

Site Address
25 Main Street North
Chesterville, Ontario, K0C 1H0
Facility Type
Food Take Out

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
Adequate protection against the entry of insects, birds, rodents, and other pests
  • Contact licenced pest control operator for insect/rodent/pest treatment and control
  • Protect the food premise against the entry of pests
  • Provide tightly sealed entrance and/ or screened entrances to prevent entry of pests
Not In Compliance
Notice of operation
  • Provide your name, contact information and the location of the food premise in the notice required under the Health Protection and Promotion Act
Not In Compliance

Actions Taken

  • Inspection Report Provided
  • Satisfactory - Follow-up action required
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