COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Booking for Individuals 60 Years of Age and Older Will Be Available Starting Wednesday April 7, 2021
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is pleased to announce that starting April 7th, 2021, residents 60 years of age and older can book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment using Ontario’s online booking system. In accordance with the latest recommendations, those booking will be given appointments for first and second doses, 16 weeks apart.
All remaining individuals listed within the province’s Phase 1 priority populations who have not yet been vaccinated or not yet booked an appointment are asked to pre-register using the EOHU online pre-registration tool at www.EOHU.ca/register. Pre-registration facilitates booking appointments quickly and easily as vaccine supply increases and more appointments become available.
Individuals 60 Years of Age and Older
On April 7th at 8 a.m., Ontario’s vaccine booking system will begin to accept vaccine bookings for individuals who turn 60 or older in 2021 (born in 1961 or earlier). Booking will be available at www.Ontario.ca/bookvaccine. Individuals who require assistance with booking can call the Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488.
The booking system will screen for eligibility based on age using health card information. Appointments can be made by an individual or with the help of someone. If you know someone who was born in 1961 or before, please encourage them to get vaccinated.
Vaccinations will be available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY at vaccine clinics being held across the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry; the United Counties of Prescott-Russell; and the City of Cornwall. Alternate arrangements will be made for individuals who notify us of barriers preventing them from physically going to a clinic.
Changing the Location of an Appointment
Those wishing to change the location of a previously booked appointment can follow the process they used to book their original appointment and proceed to book a new series of appointments for their first and second dose. This will automatically cancel their first booked series. Individuals will receive a confirmation email for their new booking followed by a cancellation notice for the previous booking.
Ongoing Collaboration
The EOHU appreciates that there is keen interest in receiving the vaccine. At this time, however, only eligible individuals can schedule an appointment. We ask the public to please help us keep the online tools and phone lines available for those who are eligible to book an appointment. Cooperation from the public will go a long way to help ensure local vaccination clinics can operate efficiently and effectively.
It remains extremely important to continue following public health precautions – even if you have received the vaccine – until a large majority of residents in our region have been vaccinated.
For the latest updates about COVID-19 vaccines, including which population groups are eligible to receive it and how to access it, please regularly visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s website at www.EOHU.ca/vaccines.