EOHU Moving to a Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Standby List
In response to the rapidly evolving operation of COVID-19 vaccination clinics, the EOHU is adapting the process of its standby list. The previous standby list registration tool is closing on June 11, 2021 and will be replaced with a daily email submission system. Individuals who registered using the previous system will not be contacted to receive extra doses.
Who is Eligible
Individuals aged 12 or older who are currently eligible to receive their first or second dose and who can get to the clinic location within 40 minutes of receiving a call are invited to submit their information by email on select days to be on the standby list in the event that we have extra doses of the COVID-19 vaccine on that given clinic day.
The first to submit will be the first called. Individuals who are not called on that given clinic day will need to resubmit their information the next time. To know which days individuals can submit their information to be on the standby list, please follow us on social media.
Why the Standby List is Used
COVID-19 vaccination clinics throughout the EOHU region are operating efficiently and ethically to ensure that vaccine wastage is minimized. All vaccine doses at each site are planned for and allocated. Should doses remain at the end of a clinic due to missed or cancelled appointments, individuals on the standby list for that clinic day could be called in to receive the extra doses to avoid vaccine wastage at local clinics.
For the latest updates about COVID-19 vaccines, please regularly visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s website at www.EOHU.ca/vaccines.