EOHU Recommends the Continued Mixing of COVID-19 Vaccines
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is recommending the continued mixing of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), as well as the mixing of AstraZeneca and an mRNA vaccine. Mixing vaccines has been proven to be safe, effective and allows more Ontarians to receive their second dose sooner.
Ontario will continue following the advice of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), which states that it is safe to mix these vaccines. Studies from the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany have found that mixing vaccines is safe and produces a strong immune response.
The EOHU will continue monitoring the data and working with the Province, Health Canada, NACI and the federal government to ensure the health and safety of everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine.
For the latest updates about COVID-19 vaccines, including how to access them, please visit EOHU.ca/vaccines.