
Facility Information

Site Address
1950 Montreal Road
Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 6L2
Facility Type

Inspection Detail

Inspection Type

Inspection Results

Result Compliance
Facility first aid kit meets requirements.
  • Provide 100 millimetre gauze bandages.
  • Provide 50 millimetre gauze bandages.
  • Provide a current copy of a standard first aid manual.
  • Provide adhesive dressings individually wrapped.
  • Provide at least one pair of scissors.
  • Provide at least one roll-up splint.
  • Provide first aid kit in places conveniently located for emergency use.
  • Provide non-permeable gloves.
  • Provide resuscitation pocket masks.
  • Provide rolls of splint padding.
  • Provide sterile gauze pads, each 75 millimetres square.
  • Provide sterile surgical pads suitable for pressure dressings individually wrapped.
  • Provide triangular bandages.
  • Provide safety pins.
Not In Compliance
Required signage posted.
  • Post, at the entrance to each shower area and at every entrance to the deck used by bathers, notices that set out that each bather shall take a shower using warm water and soap and thoroughly rinse off all soap before entering or re-entering the deck.
Not In Compliance
Facility completes daily records as required.
  • Record any emergencies, rescues or breakdowns of equipment that have occurred.
  • Record the estimated number of bather uses during the operating day.
  • Record the reading of the make-up water meter for pools and, if applicable, for spas, as of the end of the day.
  • Record the time and results of all pool chemistry tests required.
  • Record the time of day the emergency stop button test, where applicable, was performed.
  • Record the type and amount of chemicals added manually to the pool or spa.
  • Record when a public spa was drained, and inspected where required.
Corrected During Inspection
Facility completes weekly or monthly tests as required.
  • Emergency stop button is labelled, and tested, and recorded once within each period of 30 operating days.
  • Inspect all water, gravity and suction outlet covers at least once within each period of 30 operating days.
  • Test and inspect the emergency stop button and any vacuum release mechanisms at least once within each period of 30 operating days.
  • Test-buttons associated with the ground current leakage detecting and de-energizing devices are activated daily, and tested either monthly or in accordance with manufacturer's directions, whichever is more frequent.
Corrected During Inspection
Facility filtration system meets turnover rate requirements appropriate for facility type.
  • Ensure that a volume of water not less than three times pool capacity passed through pool daily in Class A pool constructed before May 1, 1974.
Not Observed
Facility keeps records for a period of one year.
  • Records shall be kept available for viewing by a medical officer of health or a public health inspector at any time.
  • Required records retained for a period of one year from the date of making the record.
Not Observed
Written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available.
  • Ensure that all lifeguards and assistant lifeguards are trained in the emergency and operational procedures.
  • Ensure that written emergency and operational procedures and instructions are available at the pool to be implemented in the event of an emergency, accident or injury in the pool.
Corrected During Inspection

Actions Taken

  • Satisfactory - Follow-up action required
  • Verbal Consultation
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